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Found 32882 results for any of the keywords john 5. Time 0.008 seconds.
I John 5:13, John 3:16, Romans 5:21, I Peter 1:3-5 NKJV - These thingsThese things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue
Messages and Sermons given at Abundant Life FellowshipAn archive of mp3s of our messages and sermons given at Abundant Life Fellowship Christian church
Bible StudyFor there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one” (I John 5:7).
A Bible Reference Guide for Scripture Topics and VersesLooking for Bible verses or references about topics in Scripture? This Bible concordance answers questions and lists verses, topics, references, & passages.
Little Bibles, Religious Tracts | Personal Bibles | Evangelize MinisteAnd this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 1 John 5:11
The Deity of ChristThis lecture presents what the Bible says about the deity of Christ.
Get God's Free Gift Of Eternal LifeProclaiming the Gospel of free grace, without works, simply by faith in the 'Good News' of Jesus Christ!
THE DAY DRAWS NEAR | if my people--
ISDET (Detailed) Statement Of Doctrine | ISDETbible college, theological seminary, ministry training, accredited degree programs, theological institute, no tuition, free textbooks, distance programs, seminary online
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